Make Your Own Comics With Comic Mania

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How it works

Use our comic maker tool and create great comics, starring characters that represent someone like you


What's Our story?

One third of children globally are unable to read and understand a simple written story.

Comic Mania is a free storytelling tool that makes reading fun with comic making. Every child deserves a hero. With Comic Mania, kids can be the superhero of their own stories."


Short Film

School lockdown’s during the pandemic had a negative impact on children’s creativity. To give kids inspiration we transformed our Leroy London comic book into a CGI short film.

Shot in London with 50 local children, local schools, parents and industry professionals coming together, to make this happen. We hope you enjoy watching our first short film, as much as we’ve enjoyed making it!

Our Books


We take safeguarding very seriously. All data is stored within GDPR regulations securely in the cloud. Every person interested in using our service must have their email address approved and verified, prior to joining our comic learning community. We know this may cause delays to making great comics, as it can take up to 24 hours, but please bear with us as it’s for your safety.

If you have any question’s please contact us at